XCS Local is primarily the consulting branch of XCS Freiheit. As a core value of XCS Freiheit, local content and how media brands operate within a local market is an important aspect of the overall media ecosystem. XCS Local works to help local brands — or if necessary, step in and create its own — develop a unique product to serve a defined market and market area. While XCS Local works primarily with local radio stations — and specifically, spoken word radio stations — it emphasizes the need for these brands to think multilaterally in what they can do to deliver the content it generates in an efficient manner to potential audiences to build brand value.
Simply put: We are a media sandbox for research, consulting, and production.
There are four main components of XCS Freiheit.

XCS Studios is the “make content” and content research branch of XCS Freiheit. It makes content intended for audiences, content intended as experimentation, and content for clients. XCS Studios will regularly cook up content concepts, develop some into prototypes, and deliver some of those prototypes as content to audiences. This enables XCS Freiheit and its partners to have an existing library of spoken word concepts that can be made deliverable to clients effectively and efficiently. Additionally, XCS Studios does some audio and video editing and some graphic design work within the same process of research and deliverables. Content can either be produced in-house or passed along to reliable experts in the relevant fields.

Freiheit is the public face, along with other related brands, of XCS Freiheit to consumers. It is a brand meant to represent and serve the human desire of anything being possible. Freiheit’s content is intended to deliver upon one of the operation’s core values of the freedom of expression and thought — through creative and widely acceptable content to enrich the lives of its consumers. Freiheit is German for freeness or freedom — and Freiheit intends to be the place where free means no restrictions and creativity has no bounds.

Excius is the digital aspect of XCS Freiheit. Like XCS Studios, it operates as a grounds for experimentation of web tools and products to understand the capabilities of easily accessible resources that can be used by users in professional environments. While the main experimentation is done with content creators in mind, its benefits extend to all clients who need a digital presence. In addition to experimentation, Excius is also capable of serving clients as a web host and can either build WordPress-operated websites in-house or outsource to professional web developers to host with Excius.

XCS Freiheit traces its roots back to 2006 in Keene, New Hampshire, starting out as a high school video production operation working with clients like Keene High School athletics, parents, Cheshire TV, and others.
The name “XCS” (we pronounce currently as “excess”) is a simplification of an earlier name of the whole operation: Excius. Excius is a word created to represent the idea of moving forward into the future on the foundation of the past. Remove the vowels and you get XCS — which is how Excius is pronounced.
The operation would split time between Keene and Long Island, New York, starting in 2009 when the web aspect of the project began with the launch of exci.us. During this period, what was known as XCS began delving into radio projects and launching “XCS Song of the Week” and “The Keene Observer” (investors are welcome to help rebuild out the latter).
The operation would return to full research mode beginning in 2013 and serve web clients with their digital needs.
In 2017, XCS moved to San Antonio where it, in partnership with KTSA, would launch “Master Debaters” in 2020. XCS would become XCS Freiheit with the development of the Freiheit brand in 2021.

Value #1: Every brand has a story.
Value #2: Offense wins championships.
Value #3: Freedom and independence.
Value #4: Keep it simple with a well-planned structure.
Value #5: Content should be fun.
Dennis J. Foley
Dennis is the owner of the XCS Freiheit ecosphere. He has wide-ranging experience in a variety of news radio roles ranging from a street reporter to the Director of Content at stations big and small in a large variety of flavors of news/talk.